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05 亲近大自然(4 / 4)


nis] n 愠怒;沉闷,情绪消沉

6 partake [pɑ:&039;teik] v 参与;分担,分享

7 rejoicg [ri&039;d??isi?] n 欣喜,高兴;欢欣之事

8 ighty [&039;aiti] adj 强大的,伟大的;adv 很,极其


look at the be sky; hear the grass grog beneath your feet; hale the scent of sprg; let the fruits of the earth lr on your tongue; reach out and ebrace those you love isn&039;t it happy-go-cky? no atter how long the ter,how hard the frost or how deep the snow, nature triuphs what a iracle it is!no sean is awaited early as sprg… sprg, the il is full of sunlight,and dye the sunshe red there is an earthly sll the air every sprg is the only sprg, a perpetual wonder


